Congratulations to this year's Golden Grads!
It has been 50 years since the Class of 1973 graduated from USask. These alumni are now members of our Golden Grads family.
We celebrate this milestone by sharing the accomplishments and memories of Golden Grads who have been, and continue to be, what the world needs.
Each Golden Grad that registered will receive a complimentary golden alumni pin and commemorative parchment.
Flash back to 1973...The top grossing movie of the year was The Exorcist.
Take a trip down memory lane with your peers by viewing the stories, memories, traditions and photos that were shared by your fellow Golden Grads.
Catching up with our Golden Grads

Links to campus remain strong for Golden Grad
Cottrell spent a lifetime learning and laughing at USask

Wyant has left his mark in law
Despite building an impressive legal career in Manitoba, USask remains a fond memory
The School of Nursing at USask became the College of Nursing in 1973.
Introducing our Golden Grads Class of 1973
Aasen, Murray K. (BE’73)
Abraham, David M. (BEd’73, MEduc’84)
Abrey, Helen E. (BSHEC’73, BEd’74)
Allen, Lorne C. (BSc’73)
Anderson, Kenneth E. (BComm’73)
Anderson, Margaret R. (BAdmin’73)
Andrews, Roderick M. (BSc’73, Sc’75)
Anholt, Reginald R. (BSc’73, DMD’76)
Anton, Norma (BEd’69, BA’73)
Antymniuk, Robert J. (BAPE’72, BEd’73)
Atkinson, Norma J. (BEd’73)
Atkinson, William B. (BA’73)
Atkinson, Patricia (BA’73, Arts’76, BEd’77)
Austin, Ruth-Anne E. (BSc’73, BEd’91)
Babey, David T. (BEd’73, BA’79, MEduc’84)
Babish, Gregg W. (BSc’73)
Bacon, Jean (BEd1973, PGD’81, MEd’00)
Bakshi, Ranju (BSc’73)
Barber, Dianne G. (BEd’73)
Bell, June P. (BSN’73, BA’88)
Bennett, Barry I. (BSA’73)
Bergen, Robert A. (Agric’73)
Bialobzyski, Peter (BEd’73)
Bialowas, Gerald P. (BAdmin’73)
Bingham, Kenneth F. (DVM’73)
Blackman, Duncan H. (BA’73, Arts’74)
Blais, Gilles J. (BEd’65, BA’65, PGD’73)
Blythe, Joanne B. (BA’73, Arts’74)
Boysen, Byron G. (PGD’73, MSc’78)
Brandvold, Rodney E. (BEd’73, MEduc’75)
Braun, Murray P. (BSc’73)
Brenholen, Ramona A. (BA’73, BSPE’80)
Brenna, Lyle G. (BAPE’73, BEd’74, PGD’92, MEduc’94)
Bridges, Barry D. (BEd’71, JD’73)
Bulych, Diana J. (BEd’73)
Bulych, Netty D. (BEd’73)
Burton, Richard W. (BEd’73)
Butala, Sharon A. (BEd’62, BA’63, PGD’73, DLITT’04)
Caine, Louise H. (BComm’73)
Cameron, Charles D. (BEd’73, BA’76)
Cameron, Dale L. (BComm’73)
Cannon, Lorne B. (BE’73)
Carney, James A. (DVM’73)
Case, Bruce E. (Agric’73)
Cathcart, Barbara A. (BEd’73, CTESL’04)
Cazakoff, Frances E. (BSHEC’73)
Cebryk, Michael E. (BSc’73, Sc’77, BComm’78, MBA’87)
Champagne, Peter R. (BA’69, BEd’73)
Charlebois, Joseph L. (BSc’73)
Chernesky, Patricia A. (MD’73)
Childs, Charles R. (BEd’73)
Chorney, Deliner D. (BAdmin’73)
Christianson, Glenn E. (BEd’73, MA’76)
Chu, Janice E. (BA’73, BEd’97)
Chudyk, Jean M. (BEd’73, BA’83)
Coben, Mavis M. (BA’73)
Colborne, Robert G. (BA’73, BEd’82, MEduc’88)
Connell, Kenneth C. (BEd’71, BSc’73)
Cooper, Kenneth P. (BEd’73)
Cottrell, Caroline S. (BEd’73, BA’81, MA’89)
Coutts, Sheri L. (BSHEC’72, BEd’73)
Couturier, Denis E. (BE’71, PGD’73)
Cowan, Robert J. (BE’73)
Cox, William R. (DVM’73)
Crickett, Clifford A. (Agric’73)
Cross, James W. (MD’73)
Cumming, Glenys E. (BEd’73)
Cundall, Lyle V. (BEd’70, LLB’73)
Curts, Margaret E. (BA’73)
Dahlby, Beverly G. (BA’72, Arts’73)
Dalzell, John M. (BComm’73)
Davidson, Ann H. (BEd’73)
Demencuik, Jeannene A. (BA’68, BComm’73)
Deren, Gregory M. (BA’73, BComm’86, MBA’95)
Diakow, Joseph (BEd’70, BA’73)
Dighe, Subhash G. (HHCC’73)
Docken, Clinton G. (JD’73, BSc’73)
Dorgan, Dennis L. (BEd’73, MEduc’80, BA’89)
Dougan, Stuart C. (Agric’73)
Dreger, Sandra L. (BSN’73)
Dubelt, Agnes (LabTec’73)
Dubray, Barrie L. (BSc’73, MSc’81)
Dunser, Lillian (LocGov’73)
Edwards, Charlotte A. (BSc’73)
Ellemers, Barbara A. (Nurs’59, EdAdm’70, MEduc’73)
Elliott, David R. (BE’69, MSc’73)
Emmons, Lyle W. (BA’73, BEd’79)
Emmons, Shirley F. (BA’73)
Enion, Kenneth M. (BAdmin’73)
Ertl, Sharon G. (BSc’73, BSP’76)
Evans, Larry W. (BA’73, Arts’74)
Fagnou, Gilbert A. (MD’73)
Farley, James H. (BSA’70, MSc’73)
Fenty, Daryl J. (BSN’73, PGD’81, MCTGED’83)
Fick, Harvey L. (BA’72, Arts’73)
Findlay, Donald G. (BA’70, LLB’73)
Fisowich, Elizabeth L. (BEd’73)
Flaman, Richard D. (BComm’73)
Flemming, Nona J. (BSc’73)
Fogal, Gerald C. (BEd’69, BA’73, PGD’90)
Folden, Calvin G. (BE’73)
Foster, Terrence W. (BEd’71, BA’72, Arts’73)
Fraser, Robert B. (BSc’73)
Friesen, David W. (BEd’73, BSc’73)
Fry, Deborah E. (BSN’73, JD’80)
Gall, Roderick G. (BA’71, LLB’73)
Gallaway, Marguerite A. (BEd’73, LLD’89)
Garchinski, Adolf C. (BSc’70, BEd’73)
Garman, Larry M. (BE’73)
Garrett, Linda K. (BSHEC’73, HECADM’85)
Gendall, Leonard G. (BE’73)
Gessell, Paul F. (BA’73)
Gilbertson, Shirley J. (Nurs’68, Nurs’73, BSN’78)
Gillies, Randall G. (BE’73, MSc’75, PHD’93, DSc’06)
Glennie, Laura M. (BEd’73)
Goldman, Lyn R. (BA’72, Arts’73)
Goluboff, Steven S. (BA’71, MD’73)
Goodwin, Charles R. (BSc’70, Sc’73)
Gorecki, Dennis K. (BSP’69, PHD’73)
Goy, Bryan G. (BEd’73)
Graham, Catherine J. (LLD’22, BEd’62)
Greer, Norma A. (LabTec’73, BLT’74, BEd’89)
Grier, David H. (BE’73)
Griffith, Patricia E. (BSN’73)
Grobman, Mark S. (BSc’73)
Gropp, Frances M. (BA’73)
Guillet, Paul E. (BA’73)
Gulka, William A. (BA’73, BEd’85, MEduc’90, PHD’92)
Gunderson, Randy W. (BA’73)
Harelkin, Murray N. (BEd’73, PGD’77)
Hartman, Eugene R. (BEd’73)
Haskins, Reginald J. (BA’73)
Haworth, Ruth E. (BEd’73, PGD’82)
Healey, Geraldine A. (BEd’73)
Hemrich, Raymond W. (BE’70, MSc’73)
Hepp, Kenneth F. (BEd’73, MEduc’81)
Hepworth, David G. (BSc’73)
Herbison, Jim (BComm’73)
Herle, Sandra M. (BScMed’73)
Herman, Clifford L. (BSc’73)
Hermanson, Bryan E. (BSA’73)
Hinz, Terrence R. (BA’73, LLB’76)
Hlynsky, Nestor A. (BA’73)
Hofer, Faye I. (BSHEC’73)
Hoffart, Jacob R. (BA’68, LLB’73)
Hogg, Terry J. (BSA’73, MSC’76)
Hollinger, Marlene R. (BSHEC’73)
Hollinger, Clarence P. (BA’73)
Hopper, Robert G. (DVM’73)
Hordern, Nancy C. (BEd’73)
Hordyski, Alexander P. (BE’73)
Horning, Lorne C. (BComm’73)
House, Peter D. (DVM’73)
Howes, Leonard E. (BSA’73)
Hrytzak, Donald W. (BComm’73, BA’80)
Hubert, John A. (BSA’73)
Hume, Lauren J. (BA’73)
Husak, Mervin J. (BComm’73)
Hwang, Rong-Gen R. (MSc’71, MBA’83)
Hwang, Jennifer (BA’73)
Ignatiuk, Peter A. (BSA’73, BComm’73)
Inge, Roger B. (Agric’73)
Jackson, Lowell E. (BE’73)
Jaffe, Stephen C. (DVM’73)
Jansen, Glen B. (Agric’73)
Jeffrey, Jacqueline S. (BA’69, Educ’70, Arts’73, MA’74)
Jennings, Charlotte M. (BEd’73, PGD’77, MEduc’80)
Johnson, Frederick W. (LLB’73, BA’73)
Johnson, William K. (BE’73)
Johnson, Thomas G. (BSA’73, MSc’76)
Johnson, Lorne A. (BEd’70, BA’73, PGD’82)
Johnston, Bruce A. (BComm’73)
Jones, Evelyn E. (BSc’73)
Joyce, Wayne D. (BComm’71, MBA’73)
Kalra, Bansi L. (PhD’73)
Kao, Ellen (BSc’73, MD’80)
Kaptein, Elaine M. (MD’73)
Kaptein, John S. (BSc'70, Sc'71, MSc'73)
Katz, Patricia R. (BSHEC’73)
Katz, Zender (BA’73, Arts’74, MA’77)
Kelly, Katherine A. (BA’73)
Kessler, Susan (BA’73, Arts’74)
Keyowski, Margaret C. (BEd’73)
King, Dennis C. (BA’73)
Knodel, Marvin H. (BSc’73)
Knox, Marjorie J. (BA’73, BEd’95, CTESL’97)
Kolynchuk, Linda J. (BEd’73)
Koshman, Martin M. (BE’73)
Kosloski, Carol E. (BSN’73)
Kotelko, Bernard A. (Agric’73)
Kouri, Denise M. (BSc’70, Arts’72, Sc’73)
Kowalenko-Evjen, Karen E. (BMusEd’73, BA’81, PGD’90)
Kroeker, Henry (BEd’73)
Krukoff, Floyd N. (BE’73)
Kudryk, Robert (BEd’66, BSc’73)
Kurz, Geraldine (BHSC’64, MD’73)
Kusey-Taichman, Stephanie J. (BSP’73)
Kyrylchuk, Sharon A. (BSN’73)
Lamb, Ronald B. (BA’70, BEd’73, MEduc’79)
Lang, Janet E. (BEd’73)
Larm, Phyllis P. (BSP’73)
Larson, Erling L. (BComm’73)
Lavoie, Denis A. (BA’68, LLB’73)
Lawson, Marina R. (BEd’73)
Lazurko, Larry (BSc’73)
Leech, Darcy B. (BE’73)
Levy, Joanne T. (BA’72, Arts’73)
Linsley, Margo J. (BA’73)
Lobe, Leonard G. (BEd’73, PGD’89, MEduc’95)
Lockhart, Gary T. (Agric’73)
Lomenda, Melvin G. (MSc’73)
Luciuk, Gerald M. (BA’67, BSA’67, PGD’71, MSc’73)
Lustig, Gary N. (BSc’73)
Lustig, Janice A. (BEd’73, MA’81)
MacLellan, Douglas M. (BE’73)
MacLeod, Ian S. (BEd’73)
Mah, Harry (BE’73)
Mahoney, Vivian L. (BSc’73)
Malainey, Walter J. (BE’73)
Marcoux, Russel J. (BA’73)
Martin, Linda D. (LabTec’73, BLT’74)
Maystruck, Gary W. (BAdmin’73)
McArthur, John F. (Agric’73)
McCombe, Valorie V. (BA’70, LLB’73)
McConnell, Brian V. (BE’73)
McDougall, Francis H. (BSc’73)
McDougall, Donald S. (BEd’73)
McEwen, Harvey W. (BSA’73)
McPhadden, Gloria M. (BEd’73)
Mead, Lorna J. (BSc’72, Sc’73, MSc’78)
Meier, Richard F. (BEd’73)
Meier, Roxanne L. (BEd’73)
Meinert, Martin D. (BEd’73, BComm’88, MBA’02)
Milenkovic, Diana V. (BA’71, BMusEd’73)
Millen, Lucy A. (BEd’73)
Miller, Patricia A. (BSN’73)
Miller, Raymond S. (BEd’69, BSc’73)
Miller, Richard (BSc’73)
Minja, Ignace N. (BSA’68, BEd’73)
Mitzel, Conrad (BA’73)
Moen, Marilyn L. (BSHEC’73)
More, Robert B. (BE’73)
Morrison, William E. (MSc’73)
Mortson, Jack P. (BEd’73)
Mulhern, John H. (BA’67, Sc’73, MSc’82)
Musselwhite, Frederick W. (BA’73)
Myall, David S. (BEd’72, Arts’73, MA’76, MEduc’81)
Nelson, Carole J. (BSc’73, Sc’74)
Newman, William L. (BA’66, MSc’73)
Norum, Blaine E. (BSc’73, MSc’75)
Nuttall, Robert H. (BSc’72, Sc’73, PhD’80)
O'Neill, Archibald D. (PhD’73, PhD’73)
Ofstie, Roland A. (LocGov’73)
Oftebro, Lyle D. (BEd’73)
Ogilvie, Janis L. (BA’73)
Olech, Diane M. (LocGov’73)
Olfert, Owen O. (BSc’73, BSA’75, PhD’79)
Olson, Ronald R. (BA’73, BEd’75)
Olson, Lyndon A. (BA’73, BComm’76)
Olynyk, Ivan M. (Agric’73)
Opanavicius, Alfred K. (BAdmin’73)
Otterson, Amund E. (BEd’73)
Pacholko, Ronald R. (BE’73)
Paslawski, Julian (BEd’61, BA’65, PGD’70, MEduc’73)
Patey, Albert F. (BA’73)
Pauls, Leo V. (BAPE’73, BEd’74)
Paulson, Donna M. (BSc’73, BEd’93)
Penner, Raymond G. (BA’73, BEd’75, CHORT’16)
Perfect, James G. (BA’73)
Peterson, Fred M. (BE’71, MSc’73)
Phenix, Constance L. (BEd’73, MEduc’79)
Plunz, Arthur B. (BEd’66, BSc’73, DMD’77)
Pollock, Barry R. (DVM’73, PGD’93)
Ponomarenko, Glenn R. (BComm’73)
Proctor, Peggy R. (BAPE’71, BEd’73, PGD’96, MEduc’98)
Proll, Douglas A. (BComm’73)
Prpich, James C. (BA’69, Educ’69, BEd’73, PGD’91)
Pryznyk, Gale K. (Physio’73, BSPT’99)
Puhl, Sharon L. (BSP’73)
Purvis, William D. (BE’73)
Puto, Mary (BEd’73)
Ramage, Garry K. (MSc’73)
Rathgeber, Lorraine E. (Physio’73)
Rawlake, Nicholas J. (BEd’73)
Redekopp, Timothy D. (BEd’73)
Rempel, Eric (BComm’73)
Renwick, David M. (BSc’73)
Rice, William G. (BAdmin’73)
Rice, Richard M. (BA’73)
Ring, James W. (BA’69, BComm’73)
Robar, James D. (PhD’73)
Roberts, Gordon W. (BEd’73, BSc’78)
Robertson, Kathleen R. (BA’70, LLB’73)
Rothery, Christine M. (BSHEC’73)
Rothwell, Gwendolyn R. (BEd’73, BSPE’75, MSc’76)
Roy, Guy H. (BSc’73, MBA’82)
Rumberger, Richard R. (BA’73)
Rusnell, Barry A. (BSc’73, BEd’78)
Schepens, David L. (BA’65, BEd’73, PGD’73)
Schindelka, Cecil R. (BComm’73, MA’81)
Schmitz, Gerald J. (BA’73, MA’75)
Schultz, Murray F. (BE’73)
Schwab, Diana C. (BSc’73)
Schwab, Brian L. (BSc’73)
Schwandt-Kelln, Deborah M. (BEd’73)
Sebastian, Engelbert J. (BE’73)
Sedgwick, Carole D. (BEd’73)
Shea, Barbara J. (BSP’73)
Sibley, Jean (BSN’71)
Sibley, Garry E. (BAPE’73, BEd’74)
Sibley, Wayne (BA’68, BSA’70, MSc’73)
Siemens, Ronald G. (BE’73)
Sills, Margaret A. (BEd’73)
Skorobohach, Johnny E. (BSc’71, Sc’73)
Small, Richard W. (BA’73)
Smith, Duncan B. (BA’73, BEd’79)
Smyth, Rodney M. (BE’73)
Snell, Richard K. (BEd’73)
Spencer, Patricia C. (BSHEC’73)
Spencer, John A. (BSA’73)
Spencer, David A. (BEd’73, BA’94, PGD’97, MEduc’98)
Stalder, Lisa J. (BSc’72, BSCMLT’73, MD’78)
Stall, Alan D. (BE’73)
Stamatinos, Lesley M. (Physio’73, BSPT’87, HECADM’94)
Staples, Andrea M. (BSN’72, MEduc’10)
Staples, Terry G. (BEd’73)
Steen, Beverley L. (BEd’73)
Steffenson, Olai W. (BE’73)
Stefiuk, Donald L. (BSc’73, MD’77)
Stephenson, Bonnie L. (BA’73, BEd’79)
Stevenson, Timothy G. (BEd’73)
Stewart, Betty L. (BSN’73)
Stewart, Gordon A. (BEd’68, BSc’73)
Stobbs, Robert A. (BE’73)
Storey, Karen J. (BA’73, BEd’77)
Strinholm, Dawn E. (BSN’73)
Sumner, Susan M. (BSc’73, BEd’78)
Suveges, Linda G. (BSP’73, MSc’81)
Swanson, Stella M. (BSc’73, PhD’78)
Szpala, Chester J. (BE’73)
Tam, Chung-Ngok I. (BA’72)
Tank, Elroy G. (BEd’69, BSc’73, PGD’91)
Thompson, William M. (BComm’73)
Tone, Richard E. (BSA’73, PGD’74)
Torry, Kenneth G. (LLB’73, BA’74)
Toth, James A. (BA’58, Educ’59, EdAdm’73)
Tremblay, Laraine I. (BSN’73)
Tremblay, Denis (BEd’73)
Trottier, Philippe G. (Arts’73)
Turner, Gordon P. (BA’69, MA’73)
Uhran, Elizabeth A. (BEd’73, BA’78)
Uniacke, Edward J. (JD’73)
Van Impe, Marion E. (BA’73)
Verity, Roy R. (BEd’73)
Voigts, Debora J. (BA’70, BEd’73, MEduc’95)
Volk, Beverley A. (BSHEC’73)
Wagner, Ronald K. (BA’73)
Walker, Milton C. (BE’73)
Walker, Larry A. (BComm’73)
Wallin, Karen M. (BSN’73)
Ward, Gordon J. (BSA’73)
Ward, Larry G. (BE’73)
Wasylyshen, Kenneth W. (BSA’70, LLB’73)
Wees, Janet R. (BEd’73)
Weixl, Marilyn E. (Physio’73, BPT’76)
Wetzstein, Mervyn A. (DVM’73)
Wickford, Donald C. (BSP’73)
Widger, Robert A. (BE’73, MSC’76)
Wiebe, Dennis H. (BA’73, BEd’75)
Williams, Roger O. (BA’73, BusAdm’84)
Williams, Kim H. (BSPE’73, BEd’74)
Williams Russell, Janice D. (BSHEC’73)
Willows, George G. (JD’73, BA’73)
Wilmot, Eric L. (Agric’73, LLB’84)
Wilson, Ross G. (BA’70, BEd’73)
Wilson, Ruth A. (BSc’73, BEd’95)
Wionzek, Ronald A. (BSP’73)
Witt, Bonita F. (BSP’73)
Wright, Margaret C. (BEd’71, BA’73)
Wyant, Raymond E. (BA’73)
Yakichuk, Albert J. (BSc’68, Educ’69, BEd’69, PGD’73)
Yaworski, Brian A. (BA’72, Arts’73, JD’78)
Yelland, Dalelene K. (BEd’73, BA’89)
Yeo, Edwin A. (Agric’73)
Yungwirth, Francis P. (BE’73, LLB’76)
Yuskiw, Linda M. (BSHEC’73, BEd’86)
Zaharia, Dmytro (BEd’70, BA’73)
Zdunick, Gregory N. (BE’73)
Zondervan, James H. (MD’69, MSc’73)
Zuk, Ruth E. (BEd’73, MEduc’89)

Popular books released include Johnathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach and Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut.

USask alumnus Dr. Hugh Townsend to be inducted into equine hall of fame
A lifetime of working to enhance the health and welfare of horses across Canada has earned a place of honour in the Saskatchewan Horse Federation’s (SHF) Hall of Fame for University of Saskatchewan (USask) alumnus and professor emeritus Dr. Hugh Townsend.

The Hon. Georgina Jackson and Gerald Tegart named 2019 Alumni Achievement Award recipients
The Honourable Madam Justice Georgina Jackson and Gerald Tegart are two of five USask alumni who have been named 2019 Alumni Achievement Award winners. Selected by their peers of more than 158,000 USask graduates scattered around the globe, they are being recognized for contributions that go above and beyond.

Dr. Vicki Holmes: A career of caring
Dr. Vicki Holmes (MD'73) is now retired from her medical career and is taking advantage of her free time by spending it with family, golfing and painting. Although she describes her retirement life as “nothing exceptional,” her 43-year career was just the opposite.
Your "playlist" probably included Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree, Bad, Bad Leroy Brown or Killing Me Softly With His Song.

The gift of a lifetime—your legacy can be our future.
Planning a gift in your Will to support the University of Saskatchewan and our students is one way for you to ensure that our university continues to grow today and for future generations. Perhaps you know how important scholarships and bursaries are to students (especially in a year like this one!) or you want to provide additional opportunities to students as they pursue their educational goals.
To request more information, please email us at or visit our website.
The Program of Legal Studies for Native People was established in 1973. It is now known as the Indigenous Law Centre.
YES! We will send you your pin and parchment with “USask Golden Grad” and list the year(s) and degree(s) of your graduation.
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No, unfortunately these pages are only available for a limited time until we launch the next year’s Golden Grads class webpage.