Celebrating our Golden Grads

Congratulations to this year's Golden Grads!
It has been 50 years since you graduated from USask in 1974, which means you are now a member of our esteemed Golden Grads family.
For 50 years, you have been a part of the USask story. This is a special time to honour you and all you have accomplished. We couldn’t be prouder to celebrate you as one of our Golden Grads. Together, we will Be What the World Needs.
Each Golden Grad that registered will receive a complimentary golden alumni pin and commemorative parchment by mail.

Memory Lane
Take a trip down memory lane with your peers by viewing the stories, memories, traditions and photos that were shared by your fellow Golden Grads.
Congratulations to the Class of '74
Congratulations to our Golden Grads from USask Chancellor Grit McCreath. Welcome to the USask Golden Grads family!
Soundtrack to 1974
Take a trip down memory lane and listen to the most popular songs from 1974 in our specially curated USask Alumni Golden Grads Spotify playlist. The playlist features over 40 of the most popular songs of the year.

The most popular books in 1974 were Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein, Carrie by Steven King, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values by Robert M. Pirsig, Helter Skelter: the True Story of the Manson Murders by Vincent Bugliosi and The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia, Ursula Le Guin
Conversations with Golden Grads

Award-winning entrepreneur looks back on USask education
Saskatoon-based businessperson Lester Lafond (Agric’74, BA’82), a member of the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, studied agriculture and economics at the University of Saskatchewan.

‘That experience at the university influenced everything I’ve done’
Canada Media Fund president and CEO Valerie Creighton (BFA’74) traces her leadership in the arts to her theatre training at the University of Saskatchewan’s Regina Campus.

Putting patients first
USask graduate and honorary degree recipient Dr. Richard Ehman (BSc’74, MD’79, DSc’00), a Mayo Clinic radiologist and researcher, reflects on his university education and his impactful career in medical imaging.

‘I enjoyed my life as a nursing student’
USask graduate Jo Bannatyne-Cugnet (BSN’74), one of this year’s Golden Grads, is supporting scholarships in the College of Nursing through a $100,000 gift.
Honour Roll
Introducing our Golden Grads Class of 1974!
Abramson, Neil (BA'74)
Adair, Ron (BEd'74, BSc'77)
Adele Coutts, Suzanne (BSHEc'74)
Adolph, Brian (BE'74)
Adolph Matsalla, Leslie (BA'74, JD'75)
Anderson, Barry (Agric'74)
Anderson, Bev (BEd'74, MEduc'95)
Anderson, Janet (BSN'74)
Anderson, Rick (BEd'74)
Anderson, Robert (Bob) (BEd'74)
Andrews, Curtis (BSc'74)
Andrews, Helen (PGD'74)
Armitage, Don (DVM'74)
Baerg, Twila (BEd'74)
Ballard, Lyle (BSA'74)
Bamford, Noela (BA'74)
Bannatyne-Cugnet, Jo-Anne (BSN'74)
Baribeau, Michael (BE'74, MSc'79)
Bateman, Erwin (Agric'74)
Bater, David Keith (BSA'74)
Bayda, Bohdan A. (BComm'74)
Bayda, Eileen (BSN'78)
Beach, Gordon (BSc'74)
Beckton, Clare F. (BA'74, LLB'74)
Beggs, Austin (BA'74)
Bellows, Derrick (BE'74)
Belyk, Dennis (BEd'74)
Bernhardt, Marilyn (BEd'74)
Beswick, Herbert (BA'70, Arts'71, LLB'74)
Beug, Norman (BE'74)
Bilokreli, Bryan (Arts'74, BA'74, MA'81)
Bischoff, Josephine (BA'74, Arts'75)
Blampied, Willam (BSc'72, PGD'74)
Blythe, Joanne (BA'73, Arts'74)
Bobyn, James (BE'70, MSc'74)
Bock, Cheryl Ann (BSc'74)
Bold, June M. (BA'74, MSc'98)
Bone, Eileen (BSN'74)
Bowles, Roger (BE'64, MSc'69)
Boyd, Graham (BEd'74)
Boyd, Ken (BA'74)
Bradlow, Carolyn (BEd'74)
Bradshaw, Janet (Lawrek) (BSP'74)
Braham, Roger Brian (BE'74)
Brenna, Lyle (BAPE'73, BEd'74, PGD'92, MEduc'94)
Brent, Barbara (BEd'74, BA'83)
Brick, Lorna (BSHEc'74, BA'07)
Briere, Bev (BSHEc'74)
Briggs, Kathy (BSP'74)
Briginshaw, Norma (BA'74, BComm'81)
Buchanan, Marilyn (BSc'74, Sc'79)
Bugg, Thomas (BComm'73, LLB'74)
Bula, Tony (BEd'74)
Cann, Dennis (BA'74, LLB'77)
Carlson, Herbert (BSA'74)
Carlson, Morris (BE'71)
Carlson, Sarah T. (BEd'73)
Carmichael, Connie (BA'71, Arts'74, MBA'76)
Caughlin, Glenda (BSHEc'74)
Chamney, Wayne (BA'71, Arts'72, MA'74)
Chartier, Brian (BA'74, Arts'75, MA'77, PhD'85)
Chattopadhyay, P. K. (PGD'72)
Chia, Edison (MD'74)
Chisholm, Douglas (BA'68, Arts'74, BEd'77, MEduc'78)
Chorneyko, Paul (BSP'74)
Chrumka, John (PGD'74)
Church, Donald (BSA'65, DVM'74)
Churchman, William (BSc'74, MBA'82)
Claypool, Tim (BA'74, BEd'84, MEduc'97)
Cleveland, Sharon (BSP'74)
Coad, Raymond (JD'74)
Cobbe, Robert (BComm'74)
Coffin, Bob (BSPE'74, BEd'75, MEduc'97)
Coffin, Debra (BSPE'74, BEd'76)
Cole, Cheryl (BA'74, Arts'94)
Cole, Ian (BE'74)
Collins, Michael (BComm'74)
Conley, Neil (BSc'74, BEd'77)
Cook, Byron (BComm'74)
Coquet, Pierre G. (BA'66, BEd'69, PGD'72, PGD'74)
Coquet Varga, Deborah (BSP'74)
Cornish, Marnell (BSN'74)
Cory, Clint (BEd'66, BA'67, MEduc'74)
Couldwell, Margo (BComm'74)
Cox, Douglas (BE'74)
Creighton, Valerie (BFA'74)
Criddle, David (BComm'74)
Cross, Herb (BE'74)
Cymbaluk, Nadia (DVM'74)
Daugela, Marian (BA'74)
Dearing, Albert (MA'75)
Dearing, Mary Ann (BSHEc'74)
Deibert, Zena (BEd'74, BA'77)
DeRoose, Judy (BSN'74)
Deverell, Frances (BA'69, EDUC'69, BEd'74)
Dice, Enid (BSHEc'74)
Dickey, Linda (BSN'74, MCTGED'83)
Dion, Sylvia (BEd'74)
Doerksen, Arthur (DVM'74)
Doll, Edouard (BEd'66, BA'74)
Donally, Robert (BE'74)
Douglas, John (LLB'74)
Douglas-Elliott, Donna (BEd'74, MEduc'85)
Downes, Kenneth (PHYSIO'74)
Downs, Sharon (HHCC'74)
Dreger, Darryl (BAdmin'74)
Drew, Brian (BA'67, BSA'74, MSc'74)
Drew, Catherine (BSN 1971)
Drysdale, Don (BE'74)
Dunlop, Robert (BComm'71)
Dyck, Ken (BSc'74)
Dyck, Linda (BSP'74)
Earle, Lynn (BSHEc'74)
Eckel, Christine (DMD'74)
Ekberg, Roberta (BSP 1974)
Elsdon, Linda Fay (BEd'74)
Engel, Albert (BE'74)
England, Mary (BA'72, BEd'74, PGD'83)
Epp, Lois (BA'69, Arts'70, MA'74)
Evans, Larry (BA'73, Arts'74)
Evjen, Gary (BMusEd'74)
Eyolfson, Kris (BE'74)
Falkiner, Maureen (BSHEc'74)
Ferguson, Dianne (BSN'74)
Fiedelleck, Gerald (BA'74)
Filipowich, David Charles (BSP'74)
Flaman, Rod (BE'74)
Fleming, Ellwood (BSA'62, EDUC'63)
Folkerson, V.N. Brock (LLB'74)
Forbes, Lorry (DVM'74, MSc'83)
Foreman, Beverly Lynne (BSc'74)
Forrester, Glenn (BComm'74, JD'77)
Fortosky, Danielle (BA'67, BEd'74, MEduc'83)
Foster, Barbara (LLB'74)
Foster, Keith (BA'70, Arts'74)
Foster, Lawrence Lee (BSc'74, Sc'75, BSA'77)
Frank, Gwenith (BSN 1974)
Friesen, Gerry (BEd'74)
Fuhrman, Susan (BSc'74)
Gader, Shirley (BSN'74)
Galvin, Sarah (nee Statler) (BSHEc'74, BEd'75)
Gans, Wesley L. (BSPE'74)
Ganshorn, Allan W. (BSA'74)
Gauthier, Wayne (BEd'74, BA'76)
Gebhardt, Earl (BE'74)
Gelhorn, Donald (BSc'72, BSA'74, MD'79)
Gelmon, Karen (BA'74, MD'79)
Gerber, Gary (PhD'74)
Gilmour, Janet (BA'74, BEd'76)
Gilroy Abrey, Helen (BSHEC1973, BEd'74)
Glab, Thomas (BSA'74)
Gladwell, Diane (BSN'74)
Graham, Jane (BEd'62, LLD'22)
Graham, Stewart (BE'74)
Gratton, Cara (BA'72, BEd'76)
Gray, Ian (BSc'70, Arts'74, MA'77, BusAdm'94)
Green, Vicki (MEduc'74)
Greenwood, Brent Walter (BA'74, Arts'75, MA'78)
Greer, Don (BA'74)
Grieve, Timothy (BA'74)
Grover, Mohinder (MSc'72, PhD'74)
Grunau, Lorne (BE'74)
Gunn, Ellen (BA'71, LLB'74)
Gunn, Ken (BSP'74)
Gushulak, Brian D. (BSc'74, MD'81)
Gusthart, Esther (BEd'74)
Gusthart, J.L. (BEd'69, BA'71, MEduc'75)
Hagan, Patrick (BE'62)
Haines, David (BE'74)
Halliwell, Clive (BEd'71, MEduc'74)
Ham, Byron (MD'74)
Hanowski, Sherman J. (BComm'74)
Hansen, Sonja (BA'74, LLB'77)
Harder, Marylin (BSc'74)
Harrison, Marion (BSN'74)
Haug, Moir (BE'74, MSc'76)
Hauta, Gene (BSPE'74, BEd'78)
Heinricks, Douglas J. (BA'73, LLB'74)
Henderson, James D. (BSc'74, DMD'80)
Hepp, Glenn (BSc'74, BEd'80)
Hesje, Carol (BSN'74)
Hinz, Lorne (BE'74)
Hnetka, Michael (BE'74)
Hoffman, Blair (BSPE'74)
Hoffman, Garry M. (BE'66, MBA'74)
Holden, Wayne (BE'74)
Hookenson, Brenda (MD'74)
Horosko, Andrew (BE'74, MSc'81)
Horvey, Norma (BEd'74)
Hoyt, Linda (BA'74)
Huber, Darlene (BSP'74)
Huber, Gary (BSP'74)
Huebert, Norman (BSc'74, PhD'80)
Hunt, Lester M. (BEd'65, BSc'70, PGD'71, MEduc'74)
Hurd, Sharon (Arts'66, BA'74, BEd'81)
Hutchison, Ross (BSA'74)
Ilsley, David B. (BE'74)
Isinger, Jane (BEd'74, BA'80, MEduc'88)
Jamieson, Gary (BE'74)
Jarton, Terry T. (BE'74)
Jaworski, Linda (BSHEc'74)
Jensen, Jack (BE'74)
Johnson, Maureen (BSN'74)
Johnson, Perry (Agric'74)
Johnson, Sharon (BEd'74)
Johnstone, Clayton (BSc'74, Sc'75, DMD'80)
Johnstone, Promila (BA'74, Arts'75, BEd'77)
Jonescu, Evelyn (nee Ching) (BA'54, BEd'62, PhD'74)
Kalthoff, Mildred (PHYSIO'74)
Kapusta, William (BSc'74, MD'79)
Kardynal, Robert (BEd'68, PGD'74, MEduc'79)
Karst, Gerald (BE'74)
Keck, Patrick Edmund (BE'74)
Keegan, Brian (BAPE'67, EDUC'67, BEd'74)
Kells, Edwin (BSA'74)
Kelly, Brian (BA'74)
Kelly, Nancy (BA'74)
Kendall, Deryk (BA'74, LLB'74)
Kennedy, Tom (BA'74, Arts'77)
Kent, Winona (BA'74)
Kerley, Kathleen (BSc'76)
Kerley, Keith (BE'74)
Kinahan, Colleen (BSc'74, HECADM'90)
Kindrachuk, Ralph (BSc'74, BEd'79, MEduc'86)
Klaibert, Curby (BSA'67, MSc'74)
Kline, Keith C. (BEd'68, BA'74)
Knight, Wayne (Pete) (DVM'74)
Knippshild, Brenda Jean (BSHEc'74)
Knoll, Blaine (BEd'66, BA'74)
Koethler, Peggy (BEd'74)
Koit, Paul (BSc'70, DVM'74)
Konecsni, Jerome (BA'74, MA'76, BEd'77)
Konkin, Daniel (BA'74, Arts'78, LLB'81)
Kostashuk , Mary (nee Chu) (MD'74)
Kostyniuk, Gloria (BEd'74)
Kot, Paul (BSP'74)
Kowch, Dennis (BComm'74)
Kuraitis, Linda (BSN'74)
Lacey, Dwight (BComm'74)
Lafond, Lester (Agric'74, BA'82)
Laird, Brian (BE'74)
Lamb, Susan (BSc'74, BEd'78)
Lange, Donna (BA'70, BEd'74)
Lange, Keith (BA'70, Arts'71, BEd'74)
Langill, Donald E. (BComm'74)
Laplante, Bernard (MSc'74, BEd'83)
Laughlan, Colin (BA'74)
Lebersback, John (BE'74)
Lechner, Larry (BE'71, MSc'74)
Lee, Peggy (BEd'74)
Lee, Robert (BEd'75)
Leighton, Lauren (BA'74)
Lewans, Anne (BEd'74)
Lien, Lana G., K.C. (BA'70, BEd'74, JD'77)
Lister, Meredith (BA'74, BComm'74)
Little, Gerald (BComm'66)
Lock, Paula (BSN'74)
Logie, Allan (BE'74)
Lovas, Margaret (BSHEc'74, BEd'77)
Lowenberger, Jean (BEd'74)
Lowenburger, Fred (BED 1972)
Luberti, Jacobus W.K. (BE'74)
Luhning, Rodney (BSC 1974)
Mackie, Sheila (nee Shepherd) (BSHEc'74)
Mackonka, Patricia (BEd'74)
mackrill, Keith (BComm'69, BEd'74)
Madsen, Leif (BA'69, PUBADM'74)
Magoski, Ken (BComm'74)
Maguire, Kathleen (BA'68, Arts'71)
Magus, John (BSc'74)
Mah, Walter (BComm'74)
Makowsky, Alvin (BEd'70)
Makowsky, Bernice (BEd'74)
Marcoux, Eugene (BA'74, MD'84)
Marlatte, George (BComm'74)
Marshall, Noreeen (BEd'74)
Marsland, Cameron (BComm'74)
Martin, Linda (LABTEC'73, BLT'74)
Maschek, Thyiela (LABTEC'74)
Maxymyshyn, Ron (BSP'74)
McAvoy, Heather (BSHEc'74)
McCaw, Michelle (BA'74)
McCullough, Larry (BEd'74)
McCutcheon, Gaylene (BSP'74)
Mcfarland, Pauline (Polly) (nee Hay)
McGinn, Patrick (BE'74)
Mcgown, Ken (BSA'74)
McHugh, Theresa (BA'74)
McKellar, Ronald (BSc'74, MSc'77)
McKnight, John (BE'74, MBA'78)
McLean, H. Candis (BA'70, Arts'74, MA'77)
McLean, William (BEd'67, BSc'75)
Mearns, Gary (BComm'74, MBA'95)
Meikle Brown, Lynne (BSc'74)
Melenchuk, Louise (LABTEC'74)
Melnyk, David (Agric'74)
Melvill, Walter Lee (BSA'74)
Merriman, Jeff (BE'74)
Mess, Andrew (Agric'74)
Messier, Linda (BEd'74)
Miller, Dale (BE'74)
Miller, Frank J. (BEd'74)
Miller, Garth (BA'74)
Miller, Howard (Arts'70, BA'70, BEd'74, MEduc'87)
Miller, John C. (BComm'74)
Monette, Dave (BMusEd'74)
Monson, Barry (BSc'74)
Mostowchuk, Evangeline (BA'69, BEd'74)
Murawsky, Orest (BA'71, BEd'74, MEduc'75)
Murray, Donald (BE'70, MSc'74)
Nag, Rajat Mohan (MSc'72, MBA'74, LLD'16)
Neher, Lyle (BEd'74, BA'84)
Neil, Garry A. (BSc'74, MD'79)
Nell, Bill (BA'71, BEd'74)
Nelson, Carole (BSc'73, Sc'74)
Neufeld, Barry (BEd'74, BA'84)
Neufeld, Eric (BA'71, LLB'74)
New, Ron (BSPE'74, PGD'82)
Ngai, Tung Kwai (BSc'74)
Ngo, That (BSc'69, Sc'70, PhD'74, DSc'21)
Nieman-Agapas, Joan (BSHEc'74)
O'Brien, F. Jane (BSc'74)
Ohryn, Nestor (BEd'74, BA'91)
Oleksinski, Julian (BSc'74)
Olson, Larry Merle (BComm'67, BA'74)
Olson, Wayne P. (BE'74)
Oranchuk, Yvonne (BSHEc'74, BEd'75)
Osika, Martin (BA'69, BEd'74)
Ottenbreit, Ralph (BA'74, LLB'75)
Page, Pat (BComm'74)
Parenteau, Ken (BCOMM 1974)
Park, Jeff (BA'74, PhD'02)
Parrott, Cheryl (BSP'74)
Partyka, Nick (Agric'74)
Paton, Jack (Agric'74)
Patterson, John C. M. (Agric'74, BA'81)
Payne, Janet (BSA'74)
Pederson, Arvid H. (BE'74)
Pelletier, Deborah (BA'74)
Perreault, Joanne (BSc'74)
Peterson, Janis (BA'74)
Phillips, Donna (BSHEc'70, BEd'74)
Pierce, Charles H. (MD'68, PhD'74)
Pitsula, Patricia (BA'74, BEd'78, LLB'85)
Plemel, James (BA'73, LLB'74)
Posehn, Gary (BSc'74)
Preston, Allan (DVM'74)
Prevost, Lucinda (BA'74)
Puckett, Barbara (BSc'74, BSN'77, Sc'84)
Pulles-Henick, Kathryn (BA'74, BEd'84)
Rackow, Reinhard (BSc'74)
Radtke, Arthur (BA'67, EDUC'68, BEd'74)
Rankin, Anne M. (BSN'74)
Reimche, Eileen (BEd'74)
Renwick, Kim (BComm'74)
Rhodes, James M. (DVM'74)
Richardson, Murray (Agric'74)
Riegert, Miles (BSc'74, Sc'76)
Rittinger, Douglas (BComm'74, LLB'77)
Rivard, Norma (BA'74)
Robb, Jim (BSc'74)
Robertson, Gladene (BEd'65, MEduc'74)
Robertson, Grant (BComm'74)
Rodych, Raymond (BSc'74, BEd'77)
Roeher, Edmund (Agric'74)
Rokosh, Bob (BE'74)
Rose, Hertha (BEd'74)
Rose, Ronald (BE'74)
Rosenfeld, Joyce (BSc'74)
Rugg, James B. (BA'74, PGD'81, JD'86)
Ryer, Michael (BA'70, LLB'74)
Ryneveld, Fiona (BEd'75)
Sader, Louis (BA'74, BEd'92)
Sadowsky, Walter (BEd'74)
Sarich, Chris (BA'68, BEd'68, EDUC'68, PGD'74)
Scansen, Norma (BSP'74)
Scharfstein, James (BA'74, JD'75)
Schmidt, Larry (BE'74, BSc'78)
Schmiedge, Ronald (BSc'74)
Schmuland, Glenn (BE'74)
Schuett, Garth (BA'66, EDUC'67, BEd'69, CURRST'74)
Schuler, Ronald (BE'74)
Schutz, Edna (BSHEc'67, BEd'74)
Serdachny, Linda (BEd'74)
Sharp, Ivan (Agric'74)
Shubaly, Murray (BE'66, MSc'69, PhD'74)
Sibley, Garry (BAPE'73, BEd'74)
Sielsky, Gerald (BSPE'74, BEd'75)
Slusarchuk, Barry (BComm'74)
Slusarchuk, Pat (BComm'74)
Slywka, Julian (BEd'74)
Smadu, George (BEd'74)
Smailes, Sydney (BA'74)
Smith, Milton Garth (BSA'74)
Smith, Wayne (BEd'70, PGD'74)
Sorel, Edward (BComm'67)
Spriggs, James F. (BA'74, BComm'76)
Stavness, Lyle (BSA'74)
Steeves-Gurnsey, Teresa (BSc'74)
Stewart, C. James (BA'74)
Stewart, Carla (BA'74)
Stewart, Lois (MD'74)
Stewart, N. Calvin (BComm'74)
Stewart, Roses (BSP'74)
Stewart, Wayne (BE'74)
Stinka, Maxine (BEd'66, BSc'74, PGD'91)
Street, Lorraine (BEd'74)
Strelioff, Hilda Helen (BA'74)
Strenger, Sophia (BEd'74)
Striethorst, Barbara (BSc'74)
Stueck, Gordon (BSP'74)
Stumborg-Rosin, Virginia (BSN'74)
Sullivan, Barry (BComm'74)
Sundbo, Harley (BEd'67, PGD'72, MEduc'74)
Sundbo, Mervin (BEd'67, PGD'74, MEduc'77)
Swiatecki, Helen (BSP'74)
Szyndrowski, Judi (BSP'74)
Tatarynovich, John (BSA'74)
Taylor, Don (BEd'65, BA'74)
Taylor, Leonard (Len) (BA'74)
Taylor Love, Alison (BA'74)
Teske, David (BE'74)
Thair, Steven (BA'73, Arts'74, LLB'92)
Thomson, Drayton (Eldon) (BA'74)
Thomson, Heather (DMD'74)
Thomson, Patricia (BSP'74)
Tod, Robert (BComm'74)
Tone, Rick (BSA'73, PGD'74)
Torry, Kenneth (LLB'73, BA'74)
Tourigny, Denis (BA'74, BEd'76)
Trembath, Garry (BComm'74)
Trischuk, Gord (BSPE'74)
Tyler, Nancy (BSc'74, BSA'75, MSc'79)
Tymiak, Glen (BEd'74)
Ulven, Lorne (Agric'74)
Uncles, John (BE'74)
Underwood, William T.E. (BA'74, DMD'88)
Van Apeldoorn, D. Keith (BComm'74)
Van Meenen, Ron (BEd'74)
Van Vliet, Donna (BSN'74, NURS 1968)
Vanin, Sharon (MSc'74)
Vassos, Colleen (BSc'74, BSN'77)
Veitch, Lorne (BSA'74)
Verver, Theresa (BEd'74)
Wakeling, Audrey (BA'74, LLB'75)
Waldner, Brian (BE'74)
Waldo, Robin (nee Boesch) (BComm'74)
Walper-Bossence, Brenda (BA'72, LLB'74)
Warren, Bruce (BE'74)
Warren, Peggy (BA'74)
Warwick, Ken (BComm'74)
Webb, Wayne (BA'73, LLB'74)
Weiss, Carl (BSc'69, EDUC'70, DVM'74)
Weiss, Dixie (BA'70, Arts'71)
Welford, Brian (BSP'74)
Wesa, Gary (BSc'74)
Whitby, Kathryn (BA'73, BEd'79)
White, Jim (BEd'74)
Whitehead, Cheryl (MD'74)
Whittaker, Betty Ann (BSPE'74)
Wickenhauser, Pat (BE'74, BSc'74)
Wiens, John (BE'67, MSc'69, MD'74)
Wilde, Richard (BE'74)
Wilkinson, Susan (BA'74, MD'79)
Williams, Kim (BSPE'73, BEd'74)
Wilson, Lorry (BE'74)
Woodward, John (BEd'74)
Wouters, Wayne (BComm'74, LLD'12)
Zaleschuk, Victor J (BComm'65)
Zaleski, Halina (BSc'74, Sc'76)
Zaph, Neil (BSPE'74)
Zerebesky, Verla (ASSOC 1974, BEd'74)
Zinkhan, Fred (BA'71, LLB'74)
Zlipko, Terrence (MD'74)
The top grossing movies in 1974 were Blazing Saddles, Towering Inferno, The trial of Billy Jack, Young Frankenstein and Earthquake
Golden Grads in the news

Distinguished professor Rosenberg recognized with Saskatchewan Order of Merit
Dr. Alan Rosenberg (MD’74) has been presented with significant accolades on provincial and university levels, recognizing decades of patient care, research, teaching, and outstanding achievements.

Matches Made in Medicine: Drs. Marilynn Cooper and Brian Gushulak
Drs. Marilynn Cooper (Sc'77, MD’83) and Brian Gushulak (BSc'74, MD’81) met in Grade 10 in Melfort and were married in 1974.

USask to pay tribute to honorary degree recipients
Dr. That Ngo (BSc'69, Sc'70, PhD'74) was among five remarkable individuals honoured by the Universary of Saskatchewan (USask) for his significant contributions to his community and to Canadian society throughout his career.

USask graduate presented with Leadership Award by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Savelia Curniski (BA'71, BEd'74) was recognized for her humanitarian efforts in 2019. Curniski is co-founder of NASHI, a volunteer-run non-profit organization that is addressing the issue of human trafficking locally and globally.

Dr. Charles H. Pierce (MD’68, PhD’74), a family physician in Cincinnati, Ohio, is on the front lines helping to battle the opioid epidemic.

U of S to honour world-renowned leader in international development
He went on to manage billion-dollar portfolios and work with thousands of people, but Rajat M. Nag (MSc'72, MBA'74) fondly remembers the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) as playing a pivotal role in his early development as an international banking leader.
Welcome to USask's Signature Tour series

USask is offering a new series of custom, behind-the-scenes tours exclusive for our honoured alumni groups and special friends.
Join one (or more!) of the upcoming tours and meet fellow alumni, learn from USask experts, and get an exclusive look at some of USask’s most unique and innovative spaces. Discover how our researchers, faculty, staff and students are advancing our university’s aspiration to Be What the World Needs.
Leave a legacy

The gift of a lifetime—your legacy can be our future.
Planning a gift in your Will to support the University of Saskatchewan and our students is one way for you to ensure that our university continues to grow today and for future generations. Perhaps you know how important scholarships and bursaries are to students or you want to provide additional opportunities to students as they pursue their educational goals.
To request more information, please email us at gift.planning@usask.ca or visit our website.
YES! We will send you your pin and parchment with “USask Golden Grad” and list the year(s) and degree(s) of your graduation.
YES! We would be happy to send you your parchment and pin.
No, unfortunately these pages are only available for a limited time until we launch the next year’s Golden Grads class webpage.
Our Golden Grads program, created in 2017, is a chance for us to celebrate our alumni that graduated 50 years ago and recognize how they have shaped our university, our communities and beyond.