Home Ice volunteer, Kelsey Hahn
What do hockey and business have in common? For Kelsey Hahn (BComm’12), they both build character
By Lindsay RoyaleHahn is a young business-professional in downtown Calgary where she manages Viewpoint Research, a Canadian-based leadership centre. She is quick to point out that her success as a professional has come from learned-traits that have stuck since her time as a Huskie athlete.
“From teaching me about time management, determination and focus, to teamwork and leadership skills, the diligence of playing a sport taught me more than any textbook ever did,” Hahn explains. “Being a student-athlete built a solid foundation for my life and subsequent career path —I owe more than I can ever repay to the game, to Huskie Athletics, and to the University of Saskatchewan.”
For many athletes, it’s the games they won and the moments of fierce competition that stick in their memories, but for Hahn, she fondly remembers the time spent in-between.
“I can remember pitching in as a team to shovel the ice in between men’s and women’s practices, when the ice plant and Zamboni broke down,” she recalls. “Looking back now, I feel lucky to have gotten to be a part of the tail-end of Rutherford’s history, though the next generation of Huskie athletics is very lucky to be able to use and enjoy a new world-class facility.”
It was a natural move for Hahn to get involved with the Home Ice Campaign as a way to pay tribute to her alma mater. After a number years of attempts with a campaign for a new rink, Hahn credits President Stoicheff for the support that began to build momentum with a number of dedicated individuals. With the support of fellow volunteers in Calgary — in particular, team lead, Dell Chapman — Hahn visited various alumni, business leaders, community members, and “friends of the Huskies” in Calgary to share the news about the rink and seek support for the project.
As the only women’s Huskie alumna in the group, she was thrilled to meet with lots of current and former women’s team supporters. “Being a part of such a devoted and strong group of volunteers has been one of the most rewarding experiences. Our Calgary team was full of very busy, yet selfless individuals who committed many hours to the campaign. I was amazed at how deep the alumni roots ran for these people.”
For Hahn, the engagement of supporters speaks volumes to the community that the Huskies has created, not just in the hearts of former and existing players, but in those who choose to rally around an asset to the province. “When I think about Merlis Belsher Place finally becoming a reality, I am also reminded of the incredible alumni, donors, and Huskie community that stepped up to make this possible,” she says. “Mr. Belsher in particular who was, and continues to be, a true passionate champion throughout the campaign. The generosity and comradery of Saskatchewan people is an amazing thing. Huskie Athletics have a bright and promising future enabled by this new facility.”