Huskies inductee Cyprian Enweani with University of Saskatchewan President Peter Stoicheff at the U of S Athletic Wall of Fame gala on Thursday night. (SUBMITTED)

Huskies honour new Wall of Fame inductees

Former Canadian track and field Olympian Cyprian Enweani headlined the 2018 class of exceptional individuals inducted into the University of Saskatchewan Athletic Wall of Fame on Thursday night.

Enweani was one of four former Huskie athletes, five teams and one builder honoured at this year’s induction gala. Joining Enweani was former Huskies Scott Schutz (volleyball), Megan (Buydens) Hrynchyshyn (wrestling) and Samantha Simpson (soccer) in the athlete category, while Ross Wilson was inducted into the builder category. Meanwhile, the new additions to the Huskies team category include the 1968-69 men’s cross-country runners, the 1969-70 and 1970-71 men’s track and field teams, as well as the 1984-85 and 1985-86 women's track and field squads.

“We are pleased to honour and recognize these individuals and teams for their contributions to the legacy of Huskie Athletics,” said Shawn Burt, chief athletics officer of Huskie Athletics. “Each, in their own way, have made outstanding contributions to our program, our university and our city.”

The U of S Athletic Wall of Fame provides recognition to outstanding individuals, teams and builders who have demonstrated excellence in their athletic endeavours and have brought distinction to the university, with previous induction ceremonies occurring in 1984, 1987, 1994, 2001, 2007, 2011 and 2016.

For complete details, go to the Huskie Athletics website.

The Huskies recently concluded the 2017-18 season with the annual Huskie Salute year-end athletics awards banquet, when Julie Labach and Kieran Johnston took top honours as the female and male athletes of the year.

The complete list of year-end award winners is available here.

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