Students diagnosed with mental health illness can apply for scholarships and bursaries specifically aimed to recognize their unique struggles, thanks to donors.

Empowering resilience through student awards

This week is national Mental Health Week (May 4-10, 2020), thanks to the work of the Canadian Mental Health Association, and the topic of mental health and wellness is on the forefront for many post-secondary schools in Canada. Students have been experiencing increased and added stresses due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

By Jessica Elfar

For USask students coping with mental illness, having access to apply for a Resilience Scholarship and Resilience Bursary means an added level of support. The awards were founded by Glorie Tebbutt, a University of Saskatchewan (USask) sessional lecturer in 2018 and support students diagnosed with mental illness with both academic achievement scholarships and bursaries for financial need.  

By creating these scholarships and bursaries, specifically recognizing some of the obstacles that these students face, Tebbutt aimed to give students the same hope and support she had received during her post-secondary education. Tebbutt suffered from bipolar disorder during her PhD studies and has since recovered.

Now, a sessional lecturer in the Department of English for the College of Arts and Science, she understands the importance of discussing mental health and having long-standing support from family, peers, work, and psychiatric care. Tebbutt said she truly believes that “people can live with a serious mental illness and become well and excel.” 

When she founded the awards, Tebbutt said she hoped they would spark more conversations about mental illness and coping methods, to help students thrive in their education despite their diagnosis of mental illness.

If you would like to make a donation to the Resilience Scholarship or Resilience Bursary to support students diagnosed with mental illness, please give online or call Bev Cooper at 1-306-966-2416.