People of USask: Deborah and Verla Chatsis
“My parents really valued education and really supported us to go to university. Deborah received so much through her education at USask and I think she really wanted to make sure others had the opportunity to achieve their university education opportunities and goals.”- Verla Chatsis (BA’84, BSP’85)
She may have travelled to and worked in many countries around the globe, but Deborah Chatsis (BE’83, LLB'86, LLD’15) always kept her family top of mind, despite the great distances apart.
Verla, Deborah’s older sister, said despite the many paths her sister embarked on throughout her career in the Canadian Foreign Service and as an ambassador, one path always led her home to Prince Albert.
“She never forgot her roots and I think that’s an important thing about her,” says Verla (BA’84, BSP’85), about Deborah, who passed away in June.
“We grew up on the west flat of Prince Albert which was known as a poorer section back then,” says Verla, who spent 30 years working as a pharmacist for Alberta Health Services in Edmonton before returning to Prince Albert.
“But that’s where we grew up. We were not children of privilege.”
However, Verla recalls her sister had a bright mind and was very determined, focused and always wanted to do something important with her life.
“She was quite humble, never spoke about herself, never tooted her own horn.”
Read more about Deborah and Verla’s story.
It's the People of USask who enable us to be what the world needs.